Notice of assignment of a tax claim
14. 07. 2023

Notice of assignment of a tax claim

(tax credit) to the Italian Tax Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate) and extension of the deadline to 31st September 2023

This is Law No. 38 of 11.04.2023 amending Decree No. 11 of 16.02.2023 ending the invoice discounting mechanism and the assignment of the construction claim (tax credit).

Law No. 38 of 11.04.2023 introduced the possibility of submitting to the tax authority a notice of assignment of the tax receivable (credit) for 2022 after 31st March. This is all in order to resolve problems with the assignment of tax claims arising in connection with the renovation of real estate, reduction of energy consumption of buildings, etc.

• When must the notification of the assignment of the tax credit be notified to the Italian tax authorities?

Article 1 of the legislation extends the deadline for claiming the 110% deduction for works carried out on family houses, provided that at least 30% of all works have been carried out by 30th September 2022. It extends this deadline for submitting the 2022 tax credit assignment notice to the tax authority until 30th September 2023.

• How should the communication to the tax office be made?

The tax credit transfer notification can be completed and sent using the web-based procedure available under the "Services" tab ("Servizi") on the website of the Italian Tax Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate). After this, choose "Tax Credits" ("Agevolazioni") and finally select the link "Communication options for building interventions and Superbonus" ('Comunicazioni opzioni per interventi edilizi e Superbonus').

• What happens if you do not notify the credit assignment?

If you do not notify the credit assignment within the time limit, you will not actually lose everything, but only the option to assign the 2022 annuity. The alternative is to deduct it on your tax return. The problem with such a close deadline is that the credit freeze makes it difficult for many to find buyers.